A Campus functions as a localized expression of Concord's mission, vision, values, and ministry philosophy. A campus will be strategically located to reach a different geographical area and serve as a ministry hub. This level operates under the authority of Concord and focuses on high replication of Concord’s identity and DNA. This level remains a part of Concord and will not be autonomous.
A Congregation is a church in area code 865 that seeks to leverage the unique strengths and foundational ministry philosophies of Concord to reach its neighborhood. This can be an established church or new church that operates under the authority of Concord. This is about creating, not cloning. As we multiply and the Gospel goes out, our approach will look different in different neighborhoods. A congregation will be focused on contextualization for the local neighborhood while maintaining overall convictions and DNA of Concord. This level remains a part of Concord and will not be autonomous.
A Family Church is a church plant or established church looking to partner with Concord for support, resources, cohorts, and training. Family Churches will also partner with Rise865 to plant and replant churches in 865. They align with the Rise865 axioms of collaboration, adopt the mission and vision of Rise865, and join in the effort of reaching 1% of area code 865 with the gospel by the year 2030. This level maintains autonomy, but there is a high level of interdependence.